The first phase of the Plas Gunter Mansion Digital Tour is nearing completion, so I'm posting about it again; In Collaboration with Plas Gunter Trustees and Owen Davies Consulting, Start 2 Finish Project Planning Ltd hopes to raise awareness and funds for this Restoration project. The building has a fascinating history. The fabric of Plas Gunter Mansion protected recusant priests - Philip Evans and David Lewis, to name but two of over thirty priests serving the area at the time of the Catholic Persecution.

This latest capture of the Plas Gunter Story includes 3 separate locations Abergavenny Museum and two buildings on Cross Street; these separate buildings are linked through three Matterport 3D models, which include deep links, Mattertags with a video attached, and sweeps (otherwise known as triggers) which I've used to highlight some of the heroic volunteers who look after their local history.
This 3D tour will be opened up exclusively to members of Plas Gunter with a tour guide on the 13th January 2022. It is possible that a paywall system will be put in front of the tour to raise funds after this event. In order to take advantage of a free tour and membership, please sign up before the 12th of January. (£10 per annum) If interested, click the link below:
As a taster to whet your appetite for the full tour, you might want to watch a pre-recorded video of a limited version of the Plas Gunter Mansion highlights reel on YouTube.