++Warning Alert++ Proud Mum moment!!
The esteemed title "Intern" at Start 2 Finish means you get to experience every aspect of the business, from collecting sandwiches and planning a technician's approach to digital mapping, taking part and contributing to strategy meetings, putting content for procedural manuals together, negotiating a hot desk to carpooling. Alongside studying for his Bsc Tomos has been a bedrock of perseverance and good humour and his work ethic is incredible! As his Mum it is not for me to extoll his more private virtues, but he has also quietly used his own achievements and influence to help fellow students, which I think, (but you'd have to check with him) included getting an extra student work placement for his classmate.
Well done Tom on earning the academic achievement award this year:

Tom and Aidan (his younger brother) have tested Construction Planning courses rolled out across the industry by Mike (aka Dad) from a very young age, so it comes as no surprise that these lads are going out into the commercial world and continuing to keep up these family values.
I really ought to give Winchester some credit too - they have been fantastic - allowing Tomos to tailor his Bsc both to the needs of the company and to his own interests in History and Heritage Buildings - (see the Virtual Tours - Malmesbury Collaboration Tab on the website)