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Baby Thomas's Journey: A Triumph of Resilience

A Family's Love and Faith

Thomas, has faced significant challenges since his birth. His parents, Christina and Joseph, have shown unwavering love and dedication throughout his journey. With the support of Thomas's grandmother from China and the medical team at the hospital, they have navigated each hurdle with strength and resilience.

A Challenging Start

Thomas was born on August 29th, and an emergency baptism was performed to welcome him into the world. His mother, has been trying to recover while caring for her newborn. The family has been staying at the hospital's accommodation, and have  been visiting twice daily to support them.

A Successful Surgery and Recovery

Despite facing various challenges, Thomas has made remarkable progress. He underwent a successful surgery on September 10th and has been recovering steadily. The family has expressed their gratitude for the excellent care provided by the medical team.

A Milestone Reached

A significant milestone was achieved on September 19th when Thomas's breathing tube was removed. This marked a positive step towards his recovery. He has been tolerating his feed, which is his mother's milk through the NG tube, and the doctors have decided to discontinue intravenous feeding.

Faith and Gratitude

The family has expressed their deep gratitude for the prayers of the St Paul and St Monica group & to our Lady of Victory for her intercession during this challenging time. A novena was prayed for Thomas's surgery day, and their prayers have been answered with his remarkable recovery.

A Bright Future Ahead

Thomas's journey has been filled with love, resilience, and unwavering faith. His parents, along with the support of their family and the medical team, are hopeful for a bright future ahead. As Thomas continues to recover and grow, his family remains optimistic about the challenges and triumphs that lie in front of him.

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