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An Update on Baby Thomas:

A Mix of Emotions and Hope

There's been an exciting development with baby Thomas, and we wanted to share it with all of you following our journey. As you know, Thomas was diagnosed with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) while still in the womb. We've been eagerly awaiting updates, and recently received news that brings a mix of emotions – relief and continued determination.

Positive Signs

The doctor's words were a source of immense relief. The left hernia appears to be quite mild, a significant positive step. Even better news – Thomas's liver and stomach are positioned correctly in his abdomen. This is a crucial factor for a favorable prognosis with CDH.

The MRI scan revealed some lung development, although these are currently compressed by his bowels. His heart has shifted slightly to the right side, but this is a common occurrence with CDH.

Challenges Remain

While these are positive developments, there's still a road ahead for Thomas. He currently weighs 820g, and his next scan is scheduled for July 1st. This upcoming appointment will provide crucial insights into his progress.

Please keep Thomas and family in your prayers. 🙏🏻

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